Contact Information
Interested in becoming a member of an existing branch, starting up a new Branch at your Parish, or would like more information?
Please feel free to contact Lois Frankforter, GFS USA President for the location of the nearest branch, a brochure, or information packet on how to become a leader or charter a new branch.

For More Information Contact:
GFS/USA 2004-2007 National Board Members
President: Lois Frankforter (CT) 63 Northside Road North Haven, CT 06473. 203-288- 2599 loisfrankforter@comcast. net |
Vice President: Delores Alleyne (CT) 60 Brownell Street New Haven, CT 06511 203-785-9175 SIchurch1 [email protected] |
Secretary: Vicki McMenamin (PA) 3956 Nancy Lane Collegeville, PA 19426 jfm1 @verison.net |
Treasurer: Michelle Boothe (NY) 1051 Duncan Street Bronx, NY 10469 .718-653-5336 [email protected] |
Directors At Large: Lisa Auletta (NJ) .16 Joni Ave. Hamilton Square, NJ 08690 609- 585- 8245 [email protected] |
Deborah Buck (NJ) 13 Jefferson Drive Laurel Spring, NJ 08021 856-228-4722 [email protected] |
Llyn Carter (PA) 2816 Woodbridge Road Philadelphia, PA 19119 215 – 969-4257 [email protected] |
home page
updated on: September 22, 2007